Thursday, June 4, 2015

Summer Carnival Part One....

As I said in my apology, I have missed a lot. I am happy that tests are all over(we finished math finals today). Now, I have all the time in the world to catch up. It is funny looking back at my old posts, seeing how much I need to make up. Anyhow, we will get there, and we can begin with one of the largest updates: Summer Carnival!
On May 27, 2015, everyone was excited! We received a notice letting us know the following day would be the Summer Carnival. I jumped up and down, shouting with glee. That is, until I realized "tomorrow" was 24 hours later. Instead of waiting, I came up with a plan. Sleep early and get up late to play the carnival. In turns out my plans were interrupted by homework. At 9:30 PM, weary and tired, I ran into bed. My luck that the following morning I oversleep. Looks like Animal Jam will have to wait. Well, my anxiety was too strong. My fourth period class was Science. It was perfect: a cart of Chromebooks for us to research. Little did anyone know my plans. So I logged in quickly, overjoying at my luck. What will I do? Open Chrome and type I entered my username and password, glancing up every few seconds. Don't wanna get caught! So when I get on, a new Jamaa Journal pops up on the screen:

So many updates I saw! What great feeling it was to see all the new updates. I quickly scanned the Jamaa Journal and closed it. It was time for my original plan: SUMMER CARNIVAL! I head to my party menu and select the Summer Carnival.
My first thought is, "CHECK THE CARNIVAL SHOP FOR RACCOON TAILS!!!!" Weird thought, because those tails haven't been around for a while. Obviously, what I see disappoints me. What I see is six items that I can't afford yet. That brings me to think I need tickets. So what is the first game I go for? Well not so fast.... I have to pay to play????? I am shocked for a few seconds. My mind returns and I know exactly what to do. Get on an account that someone else owns, but they put the password on the internet. Not hacking, alright? With the glitched panda, I run over to the first game that comes to mind: Phantom Ball.
After playing once, I realize how bad of a deal this is. I mean check my score out. For five gems, I didn't think this is fair.
Quickly I hit "No". "What a bad game!" I thought. I moved on to a game I have heard about. "Candy Catch". Was my judgement good? Umm no. Out of all the games, "Candy Catch" was the hardest to get tickets. Time to play the game, huh?
Again, my final result was TERRIBLE! I got the minimal amount of tickets probably.
At this point, I was pretty much done with Animal Jam. I mean who wouldn't? But, being optimistic, I told myself I just got really bad luck getting the bad ones first. Luckily I was right. My next choice was a great one. I chose the best game, in my opinion. "Whack-A-Phantom" was my lucky choice.
Now, after playing just once, I knew this game was for me! I did great, better than everything else combined.

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